Halloween is known for Candy and fun Costumes! Well I know growing up we got tons and tons of candy. Here are some great ways to use the candy, or put it to some good use!!
Freeze it. Put those delicious chocolate bars in the freezer to save them for later. Frozen chocolate takes longer to eat, so children can’t wolf it down so quickly.
Stuff a Pinata . If you have a kids birthday coming up, save back some candy and stuff a Pinata for a party, it will save you money on buying tons of candy!
Bake with it. Here is a great way to save back some M&M’s and chocolate goodies! Use them in baking projects, or save candies to make gingerbread houses with some!
Halloween Buy Back: Check out this site, their are a lot of places that will buy your extra Halloween Candy you get! You can help support troops with the buy back program!
How do you use up all the candy?!
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