Chic 'N Savvy

PUSH- Pray Until Something Happens

Pray Until Something happens

I know in each and everyone of our lives, their are moments that make us question life and all the ups and downs we are faced with. Here is an inside secret to life if you may…


Pray Until Something Happens!!! 

Prayer is so powerful and it can get you through those darkest moments you face. Or if you have a fork in the road and unsure what to do, pray, pray, pray. It can and will get you through it, and most of all remember it is in God’s timing, not our own! He is always there waiting and willing to help you along the way! Just turn to him for guidance, and pray for answers, or strength to get through!

Isn’t Push an interesting word? You have to push through the obstacles in your life, to find the light at the end of the tunnel. Have you ever thought, ” I can’t handle this?” Well if you have, you are just like everyone else. We all go through things that seem like it is too much for us to handle, but we always seem to make it through it! That is because God will not giving us more than we can handle.

Again the key to life is Prayer. When life is hard pray, when life is going good.. pray! Over time you will become stronger in your soul and when the next bump in the road comes along you will get over that hump just a little bit easier. Keep on praying, and again the next trial will be that much easier. You may not physically see a change but internally things are!

So what are you waiting for?! Let’s Pray together! 

Lord God, thank you for today. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and always being by my side. Lord God, I pray that you can help me become a stronger person inside, that I can learn to fully trust you through the good and bad moments in my life. That I can turn my eyes to you for strength, answers, and most of all peace.  Through all things I will trust in you!


Reader Interactions


  1. Michelle says

    I love the PUSH effect. I have seen this as persist until something happens. I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. Thanks for this.

  2. Tee says

    Thanks for sharing this motivating post! Sometimes it’s hard to think beyond our darkest hours but we always manage to “push” through. =)

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