Chic 'N Savvy

How to Sift Flour Without A Sifter!

how to sift flour without a sifter

Have you ever been searching for a recipe and it says to sift the flour, and you think, “Man I don’t have a sifter?!” Well, here is a really easy way on how to sift flour without a sifter. I used to have one but somehow or another I lost it. When I think about buying one is when I am searching out new recipes to try, ha go figure!

Here is a way to do a DIY version of a sifter. Take a strainer, it can be plastic or metal, either works fine. Grab a bowl a bit bigger then the strainer. Then measure out the flour you need, and pour it into the strainer. Then simply tap it and the flour will go through the holes and tada sifted flour!! You are welcome to do this more then once.

You sift flour to help make it lighter and if the flour gets packed pretty good in the bag, it can become heavy, and for some recipes it helps to have sifted flour! I learned this on a cooking show, and I never really thought about that, until I heard it. Makes total sense, and I have noticed a bit of a difference since I started doing this when the recipe calls for it! Did you already know this or are you just learning about this fun fact?


Hope you enjoyed this easy DIY sifter tip :-). If you have any fun easy tips similar to this one, feel free to email: and I would love to share it on my site. Plus if you want to snap a picture as well, that would be perfect!

Reader Interactions


  1. Mitch says

    This is how my mom and mom-in-law think. When my nephew was young, he needed my homemade soup strained so there was nothing green in the broth. My mom put a paper towel in the colander.
    You all need to do this on a TV show!

  2. Greta says

    My favorite thing to do as a child was sift flour. Maybe not my favorite thing, but it was up there! I had nover thought of using a strainer.

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