How to Keep Your Dish Satellite Clean During Snow Storm
We just had 2 crazy snow storms back to back. Total accumulation was 21 inches in our town. I think that is the most snow we have received in a long time.. maybe in my whole lifetime! The two storms were just a few days apart and it was blizzard conditions on the second storm. Lots of wind, making it very hard to see very far in front of you!
Well on the second storm our Dish Satellite went out, and we couldn’t watch television for a little bit. My husband went out and grabbed some windshield de-icer and one of our sprayers and went to work on cleaning off the satellite. Their was about an inch of snow/ice on it, he said and within a short time the television was back on and working! It turned on before he even came in from outside, it was very quick and easy!!
Delta Plant Care Pressure Sprayer, 48-OuncePrestone AS250 De-Icer Windshield Washer Fluid – 1 Gallon
Here is how to clean snow off your Satellite Dish.
He grabbed a pressure sprayer we had, and added the windshield washer fluid and de-icer. It is important that the mix has the de-icer in it, or it won’t work cleaning off the dish.
Just pour the fluid into the pressure sprayer and then spray it on the Dish satellite! Within minutes you will see it melting off the ice and snow. It kept the Dish clean the rest of the snowstorm with no more problems. If you have buildup again later you can always go and do it again.
With the pressure sprayer my husband didn’t have to get on a ladder, it sprayed pretty far. Our Dish is on a lower part of the house. Now if you have to get on a ladder be very careful or just go without television, wouldn’t want you to get hurt!!
Hope you enjoy this tip! Feel free to Pin and save this tip just in case this happens to you sometime!
Shash says
I wish I’d found this yesterday! My dish went out last night because of the snow storm we’re having. I thought I was going to have to watch Netflix all day long. Thanks for the great tip!!
Kelsey says
Your so welcome! I know personally I would have never thought of this, but thankfully my husband did!!!
Amiyrah says
Holy Cow, that is genius! We’re looking to get dish service when we move so i’ll have to reference this when it snows. Thanks for sharing!
Kelsey says
So welcome Amiyrah 😉
Shash says
LOL I’m laughing because just after I posted that… my dish went out!!! time to get the ladder out….
Kelsey says
Oh gosh LOL!! Be careful, and Hope it works perfectly for you!!
Kristyn says
i dont have that problem here just lots of rain :/
Elizabeth L says
I’ll have to share this with my parents who unfortunately switched to Satellite.
Monica says
What a great idea, I would never have thought to do this, thanks!