My jewelry needed to find a new home. So I could look at my options rather then rummage through my jewelry box. So I thought why not make a place to hang up my necklaces and such so I can see what I have. Granted I didn’t get all of my jewelry on one of these boards, but it is inexpensive so I think I will make a few of them!
Here is what you will need to do this nifty craft:
1 Cork Board (14×14 inches) You can do bigger, this is just what I chose
1/2 Yard of Fabric (Color of Choice)
1 Pack of Thumb tacks
1 Pack of needles ( Mine have little pearls on the tops of them to add a bit of design to my board!)
How To:
Take the fabric you got and cut the fabric to size so that it can wrap around to the back of the cork board and have room to secure it with thumb tacks. Since my fabric was folded I also had to iron it, to get the creases out of it! I also made sure to do a double layer of fabric, just cause I wanted it to be a bit thicker.
After you iron and get fabric cut to size, take your thumb tacks and secure the fabric by using the tacks to push it down. You could also glue or staple down the fabric if you would like. I chose thumb tacks so if I wanted a new fabric it would come right off, and I wouldn’t have to worry about getting a new cork board!
Once your fabric is secure you are ready to take your needles and place your jewelry where you want it! See, super easy and fun!! Now showcase your jewelry in a new way 🙂 !!
Janet says
Love it, thanks for sharing 🙂