Baby Monthly Stickers – Celebrate Milestones with Photos
Look at that handsome boy, ahhh I could stare at these pictures all day! Today I wanted to share these Baby Monthly Stickers called My First Holiday Belly Milestone Stickers and Month by month stickers I have used for Clay! Each holiday you can showcase the My First Christmas, Halloween, etc. And the monthly ones just have how many months they are that month! My sister in law bought these for me when I was pregnant! I have used them through the whole first year, we have this month and Clay will officially be one on the 20th! WOW how time flies!
I love being able to look at the pictures see the stickers and know exactly what month he was or which holiday we were celebrating! It is great for the baby books you might create, so you will never forget the day!
In a HURRY? BUY them HERE!
As Clay got older, sometimes he didn’t want to have it on his tummy so I would stick it on a stuffed animal, the wall or wherever and it worked fine that way! He always wanted to tear it off when he learned how and eat it! They have so many different designs to choose from when it comes to these stickers, it makes it fit anyones style preference!
Baby Monthly Stickers – Milestone Stickers for Babies
First Year MonthlyMonth Stickers
My First Holiday
Monthly Baby Stickers
Monthly Holiday Stickers
First Holidays Milestones
I wanted to share some of the ones I thought were fun for both monthly and holidays! They have tons more to choose from, and they are very affordable! As you can see I have used them a lot, and I love to recommend these! They truly do make wonderful gifts for expecting moms and will be welcome at any baby shower!
Julie Wood says
I love these baby milestone pictures! They are such a cute way to take a picture and know how old baby is. What a genius idea!
Shelby Gil says
So cute! I never did them with my kids though 🙁