Cinnamon: Is loaded full of fiber, calcium, iron and more. It is a wonderful spice that is delicious and is a natural appetite suppressant, and it also decreases blood sugar, and kicks your metabolism in gear!
Apples: An apple a day does more then keeping the doctor away :-). They are a great Fall food that is low calories and full of vitamins and minerals. Plus they have high fiber and as well maintain blood sugar levels. Another great thing is they help prevent water weight, woohoo to apples!!
As always I was on Pinterest and came across this and thought to give it a go! She calls it Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water. She said how great it was for you and such, so I thought ehh why not. It is a 0 Calorie Apple Cinnamon water, can’t be too bad right?!
So with these 2 awesome products, why not combine and make one awesome drink. This will give you a great flavor as compared to regular water, and it might save you from going to a sugary sweet drink! Plus if you drink this it will really help you shed some pounds, and fill you full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs!
1 Apple
1 Cinnamon Stick
How to Make:
Take one apple and slice thinly, I used a Honey Crisp because it was on sale but you can use any kind. Take the apple and put in a pitcher, and drop in your cinnamon stick. Put some ice on top of it, I used a few handfuls, and then pour water over the top. Allow to sit for at least 10 minutes before drinking.
Then drink away and enjoy. You can use the same apple for 2-3 days, and then you will need to replace. Just when the water gets low, refill the jug! Also feel free to grab a slice or two when you grab a drink to munch on if you feel up to it. That way you don’t just waste away all the apples in the water!
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